Primary Flourish Blog

Tips to Teach the Doubles Plus 1 Addition Strategy
Tips for Teaching the Doubles Plus 1 Addition Strategy Need some tips to sharpen your students' addition fact fluency? When teaching math facts, it's beneficial

5 Centers that will Prioritize Math Fact Fluency
5 Centers that will Prioritize Math Fact Fluency Math fact fluency is an essential math skill that helps students build a strong math foundation. Students

5 Helpful Tips to Teach the Doubles Addition Strategy
5 Tips to Teach the Doubles Addition Strategy Are you looking for a way to help your students become more fluent in addition facts? As

4 Easy Tips to Teach Editing the using COPS Strategy
4 Easy Tips to Teach Editing the using COPS Strategy Do your students groan when you tell them it's time to edit their writing? With

How to use Addition and Subtraction Strategy Games to Promote Math Fact Fluency
How to use Addition & Subtraction Strategy Games to Promote Math Fact Fluency These addition and subtraction strategy games are effective for many reasons. Here

How To Foster Math Fact Fluency With Timed Tests
How To Foster Math Fact Fluency With Timed Tests Do you have students struggling to master basic math facts? Do you have many resources but

How to Use the CRA model to Teach Math Fact Fluency
How to Use the CRA model to Teach Math Fact Fluency We know that math fact fluency is essential for our students' success in math.

5 Ways to Energize Your Math Independent Practice
5 Tips to Make Math Independent Practice Effective without Overwhelm What is Independent Practice & Why do Primary Students Need it? Independent practice basically asks

2nd Grade Math Boom Cards
2nd Grade Math Standards Does this sound like you? Are you feeling unprepared to meet the needs of your new students? Are you feeling overwhelmed

Make Lessons Interactive with Partners Quiz
How To Use Partner Quiz To Build Math Fact Fluency Need a quick, easy, effective practice activity to promote math fact fluency with your students?

How to Motivate Your Students to Become Fluent in Math Facts
Do you have frustrated and unmotivated students in your math class? Or perhaps you have students that have stalled in their math fact fluency

Fall Classroom Resources
Don't you just love all the colors, tastes, smells, and holidays that fall brings? The fall season offers so many wonderful thematic opportunities for learning