Teaching the difference between facts and opinions is such an important comprehension skill for students – actually, for all of us!
Just because we saw it on TV or read it on the internet does not make it a fact.

The first step in discerning the difference between facts and opinion is to understand what each is.


What is a FACT?

A fact is a true statement that can be proven.
Some Fact Key Words:  dates, numbers, science, historical, non-fiction.


What is an OPINION?

An opinion is someone's idea or feeling about something.  It cannot be proven.
Some Opinion Key Words:  prefer, think, feel, believe, -er words, est words.


This (free) resource provides teachers with a fun fall-themed literacy activity to teach and or review facts and opinions.
This (free) resource provides teachers with a fun fall-themed literacy activity to teach and or review facts and opinions.
This (free) resource provides teachers with a fun fall-themed literacy activity to teach and or review facts and opinions.
This activity may be used in a variety of ways:
Literacy Center: Put the student instructions task cards, sorting mats, and student recording sheets in center for students to complete.
Whole Group:  This is a perfect pocket chart sorting activity.  Put the sorting mats at the top of the pocket chart.  Use the Anchor Poster to teach/review facts and opinions.  Read the task cards with your students and discuss why the statement is or is not a fact (or opinion).  Encourage them to refer to the definitions on the anchor posters to support their ideas.  Have students sort cards on pocket chart.
Partners:  Give each pair of students copies of the task cards and recording sheets and encourage them to discuss each statement and determine if it is a fact or opinion.
This (free) resource provides teachers with a fun fall-themed literacy activity to teach and or review facts and opinions.

I hope this resource is helpful to you as you teach your students about FACTS and OPINIONS!

Fill out the form below to get this Fall Fact or Opinion Literacy Activitiy!


My name is Peggy Means. I am a child of God and a retired elementary teacher. I loved teaching and creating engaging resources for my students. Now, I love sharing my resources and ideas with busy teachers around the world.

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