Teaching the difference between facts and opinions is such an important comprehension skill for students – actually, for all of us!
Just because we saw it on TV or read it on the internet does not make it a fact.
The first step in discerning the difference between facts and opinion is to understand what each is.
What is a FACT?
A fact is a true statement that can be proven.
Some Fact Key Words: dates, numbers, science, historical, non-fiction.
What is an OPINION?
An opinion is someone's idea or feeling about something. It cannot be proven.
Some Opinion Key Words: prefer, think, feel, believe, -er words, est words.
This (free) resource provides teachers with a fun fall-themed literacy activity to teach and or review facts and opinions.
This activity may be used in a variety of ways:
Literacy Center: Put the student instructions task cards, sorting mats, and student recording sheets in center for students to complete.
Whole Group: This is a perfect pocket chart sorting activity. Put the sorting mats at the top of the pocket chart. Use the Anchor Poster to teach/review facts and opinions. Read the task cards with your students and discuss why the statement is or is not a fact (or opinion). Encourage them to refer to the definitions on the anchor posters to support their ideas. Have students sort cards on pocket chart.
Partners: Give each pair of students copies of the task cards and recording sheets and encourage them to discuss each statement and determine if it is a fact or opinion.
I hope this resource is helpful to you as you teach your students about FACTS and OPINIONS!